2020 Zoning Hearing Board February 25
The West Manchester Township Zoning Hearing Board will meet on Tuesday, February 25, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. at the West Manchester Township Building located at 380 East Berlin Road, York, PA 17408 to hear the following application:
ZHB Case 20-02 Steven Stoltzfus & JoAnn Bucklar – request an Interpretation of Section 150-24.L Accessory Use Customarily Incidental to a single family dwelling; Special Exception 150-9 Uses Not Specifically Permitted (Single Family Dwelling with Family Quarters); and a Variance of Section 150-30.B to exceed the maximum allowable height for an accessory structure located at 2385 Taxville Road (Tax Map: IG; Parcel: 0008) in the Rural Residential Zone.
All interested parties are invited to attend. Persons with disabilities may contact the Township office at (717)792-3505 to discuss how best to accommodate your needs.
\s\ Karla Farrell