The West Manchester Township Zoning Hearing Board will meet in-person on Tuesday, February 22, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. at the West Manchester Township Building located at 380 East Berlin Road, York, PA  17408 to hear the following applications:


ZHB 22-01 Ferfeldt Investments, LLC for Amos & Barbie Stoltzfus – requests an interpretation/variance of §150-251 for physically handicapped parking spaces related to the striping adjacent to the physically handicapped parking spaces or a reduction in width of handicapped parking spaces; variance of §150-256 access drive width greater than 35 feet off of South Salem Church Road and the access drive to be located within 20 feet of the rear property line rather than the required 25 feet; variance of §150-257.B.1 to reduce the required interior landscaping from 10% to 4.9%; variance of §150-273 to not require screening at its loading area; variance of §150-283 to allow a maximum of 2 freestanding signs on the property; variance of §150-301.A.2 to extend the time period to obtain a building permit to 2 years located at 4500 block of Lincoln Hwy (West Market Street) (Tax Map:  HG; Parcel: 0004J) in the Highway Commercial Zone.

ZHB 22-02 Gilbert 20 Acre Trust – requests a special exception §150-289.A to replace an existing nonconforming use (residential accessory structure/storage building) with another residential accessory structure/storage building in the same location located at 2490 West College Avenue (Tax Map:  HH; Parcel:  0023) in the Light Industrial (I-2) Zone.

ZHB 22-03 Shiloh Village, LLC – requests a special exception §150-289 to alter/replace a damaged nonconforming freestanding sign (size) with the same size freestanding sign located at 2323 Carlisle Road (Tax Map:  11; Parcel:  0049) in the Local Commercial Zone.

ZHB 22-04 BLM Assets, Inc. – requests a variance of §150-140.A to reduce the required front yard setback for off-street parking from the required 25 feet; variance of §150-140.C to reduce the rear yard setback for buildings from the required 50 feet; variance of §150-301.A.2 to allow one (1) year from the issuance of written decision for the issuance of a building permit for the building located at 715 Town Center Drive (Tax Map:  JH; Parcel:  0056U) in the Regional Commercial Zone.

All interested parties are invited to attend.  Persons with disabilities may contact the Township office at (717)792-3505 to discuss how to best accommodate your needs.

Thank you.

                                                                                                                \s\ Rachelle Sampere

                                                                                                                     Zoning Officer