The West Manchester Township Zoning Hearing Board will meet in-person on Tuesday, June 28, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. at the West Manchester Township Building located at 380 East Berlin Road, York, PA 17408 to hear the following applications:
ZHB 22-13 – Codorun Farms, Inc. – requests an interpretation §150-230.C of the Zoning Ordinance located at 3 Hokes Mill Road (Tax Map: HH; Parcel: 0033) in the Rural Residential Zone and Agricultural Zone.
Steve March & Jan Watt – request a special exception §150-289 to alter an existing nonconforming use having nonconforming setbacks (single family detached dwelling with covered front porch) located at 4415 West Market Street (Tax Map: HG: 0093B) in the Highway Commercial Zone.
ZHB 22-15 – Chesapeake Plumbing & Heating, Inc. – requests a special exception §150-290 to substitute one nonconforming use (auto parts store/warehouse) with another nonconforming use (Chesapeake Plumbing & Heating, Inc. office, warehouse/flex space); special exception §150-289.A to expand the existing nonconformity (commercial parking lot) in a residential zone; variance §150-289.A.2 to expand the existing nonconforming parking lot coverage from 35% to 50% by expanding the parking lot 11,542 sq. ft. increasing the overall lot coverage from 51% to 66% located at 3108 West Market Street Unit 3142 (Tax Map: 20; Parcel: 0114) in the R-3 Residential Zone.
ZHB 22-16 – BLM Assets, Inc. – requests variance §150-317 to reduce the required setbacks for car wash apparatuses from 100 feet from any street right-of-way and 50 feet from any rear property line to the requested 82 feet from the street right-of-way line and 29 feet from the rear setback line; variance §150-301.A.2 to allow 1 year from the issuance of a written decision for the issuance of a building permit for the building located at 715 Town Center Drive (Tax Map: JH; Parcel: 0056U) in the Regional Commercial Zone.
ZHB 22-17 – Mukesh Parikh – requests variance §150-140.A to allow a portion of the proposed commercial retail building to be within the building setback along the internal shopping center property line; variance §150-140.C to allow a portion of the off-street parking lot along Haviland Road and Carlisle Road to be within the 25-foot off-street parking lot setback; variance §150-301.A.2 to allow 1 year from the issuance of a written decision for the issuance of a building permit for the building located at Residual Lot #4 at the West Manchester Town Center (Tax Map: JH; Parcel: 0056U) in the Regional Commercial Zone.
ZHB 22-18 – Joseph O’Donnell – requests a variance §150-89 reduce the side yard setback from the required 15 feet to zero feet and to reduce the rear yard setback from 25 feet to 4 feet for a structure (detached carport) located at 2056 Carlisle Road (Tax Map: 10; Parcel: 0150) in the Local Commercial Zone.
All interested parties are invited to attend. Persons with disabilities may contact the Township office at (717)792-3505 to discuss how to best accommodate your needs.
Thank you.
Rachelle Sampere
Zoning Officer