The West Manchester Township Zoning Hearing Board will meet in-person on Tuesday, September 27, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. at the West Manchester Township Building located at 380 East Berlin Road, York, PA  17408 to hear the following applications:

CONTINUED ZHB 22-15 – Chesapeake Plumbing & Heating, Inc. – requests a special exception §150-290 to substitute one nonconforming use (auto parts store/warehouse) with another nonconforming use (Chesapeake Plumbing & Heating, Inc. office, warehouse/flex space); special exception §150-289.A to expand the existing nonconformity (commercial parking lot) in a residential zone; variance §150-289.A.2 to expand the existing nonconforming parking lot coverage from 35% to 50% by expanding the parking lot 11,542 sq. ft. increasing the overall lot coverage from 51% to 66% located at 3108 West Market Street Unit 3142 (Tax Map:  20; Parcel: 0114) in the R-3 Residential Zone.  Continued to the September 27, 2022 public meeting due to lack of quorum on August 23, 2022.

ZHB 22-19 – Codorun Farms, Inc. – requests an interpretation §150-363.A Permits and §150-229.A Fences and in the alternative a variance of  §150-363.A Permits and §150-229.A Fences to allow stone pillars as part of a fence and gate to exceed the maximum height of an agricultural/livestock fence located at 3 Hokes Mill Road (Tax Map:  HH; Parcel:  0033) in the Rural Residential Zone and Agricultural Zone.  Continued to the September 27, 2022 public meeting due to lack of quorum on August 23, 2022.

ZHB 22-25 – Francis & Lori Gall – request a variance §150-57.B to exceed the maximum allowable height of an accessory structure by one foot from the allowable fifteen (15) feet to the requested sixteen (16) feet located at 2080 Pearson Drive (Tax Map:  23; Parcel:  26) in the R-3 Residential Zone.

ZHB 22-26 – Marco & Rhonda Tornow – request a variance §150-229.A to erect a 48” high fence on the non-address frontage of a double frontage lot on the right-of-way line rather than the required ten-foot setback from the right-of-way located at 1901 Leonard Street (Tax Map:  02; Parcel: 0124) in the R-3 Residential Zone

All interested parties are invited to attend.  Persons with disabilities may contact the Township office at (717)792-3505 to discuss how to best accommodate your needs.


Thank you.

Rachelle Sampere

Zoning Officer