Legal Notice November 6, 2019
The West Manchester Township Zoning Hearing Board will meet on Tuesday, November 26, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. at the West Manchester township Building located at 380 East Berlin Road, York PA to hear the following application:
ZHB Case 19-24 – Barry Mease for Dennis and Linda Boring requests a Special Exception to substitute one non conforming use with another non-confirming use per SEction 150-290 and Section 150-302.D located at 2415 West Market Street (Tax Map: 05; Parcel: 0070) in the Local Commercil (LC) Zone.
All interested parties are invited to attend. Persons with disabilties may contact the Township office at (717) 792-3505 to discuss how best to accommodate your needs.
Thank you!
\s\ Karla Farrell