The Transportation component of the York County Comprehensive Plan

The Transportation department within the York County Planning Commission (YCPC) is requesting public review and comments on the draft GOYORK 2045, the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) for York County, as part of the York County Comprehensive Plan. Comments on the plan will be received until June 9th, 2021.This document seeks to provide direction for the community in the years 2021 through 2045. The current schedule is for this plan to be considered for adoption by both the York Area Metropolitan Transportation Organization (YAMPO) on June 24, 2021, and the York County Commissioners on August 4, 2021.

York County includes a diverse population with various needs. The MTP is an effort to identify and meet those needs for Transportation. This document is an overview of the current state of York County, including the performance measures that are tracked yearly, the current plans in place, and maps detailing aspects of the various systems within the county. Actions adopted by the York Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (YAMPO) are included in the “Moving… Forward” sections throughout Chapter 3. Working together with YCPC, rabbittransit, PennDOT, and municipalities, we hope this plan will help you and your neighbors live a better life, however YOU define better.

GOYORK 2045 offers a glance at the financial side of transportation within the county, including the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) document. Funding revenues and projections are outlined, accounting for inflation and maintenance needs.

There will be a virtual open house on May 11, 2021 from 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M., and on May 20, 2021 from 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. Everyone is welcome to weigh in on topics and have one-on-one conversations with the Transportation Planners during this time period. In addition, there is a public meeting scheduled for June 3, 2021 at 9:00AM as part of the regularly scheduled YAMPO Technical Committee meeting. View the document at and see what the future looks like for transportation in York County.