The West Manchester Township Zoning Hearing Board will meet in-person on Tuesday, September 28, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. at the West Manchester Township Building located at 380 East Berlin Road, York, PA 17408 to hear the following applications:
CONTINUED ZHB #-21-21 – Michael Yeaple – requests a variance §150-231.F to allow a driveway with a curb cut exceeding 25 feet (requested 35 feet) and a variance §150-231.H to reduce the required side yard setback for a driveway from the required 2 feet (requested 0 feet) located at 2340 Baker Road (Tax Map: JG; Parcel: 0030) in the R-3 Residential Zone.
CONTINUED ZHB #21-22 – Five Star International, LLC – requests a special exception §150-289 to expand the existing nonconforming use (truck sales, service and repairs) and a variance §150-289.A.2 to expand the existing nonconforming use by more than 25% (requested 40%) located at 2818 West Market Street (Tax Map: IH; Parcel: 0008A) in the I-2 Light Industrial Zone.
ZHB #21-23 – Pasadena Sign Company for Auto Spa Express – requests a variance of §150-283.B Permitted Permanent Sign Chart P-9A to allow a freestanding sign for an individual use within a shopping center located at 2140 York Crossing Drive (Tax Map: JH; Parcel: 0056S) in the Regional Commercial Zone.
ZHB Case #21-24 – Trone Outdoor Advertising for 3625 Mia Brae, LP – requests a Special Exception §150-189.A and §150-315 to modify previously approved ZHB Case #19-18 to construct a double-sided billboard (1 face static; 1 face digital) located at 400 N. Zarfoss Drive (Tax Map: IG; Parcel: 0058E) in the I-3 General Industrial Zone.
All interested parties are invited to attend. Persons with disabilities may contact the Township office at (717)792-3505 to discuss how to best accommodate your needs.
Thank you.
\s\ Rachelle Sampere
Zoning Officer